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IT WAS A WILD ADVENTURE TO BE A PRINCESS by Fitri Nurul Aulia (041114039)

Maybe you have been dreaming about to be one of the princesses in fairy tales who married to the princes. They are cool when they ride the horses. And, it was Friday, 4th of November 2016. The sun is cooperated with our plan, my friends’ and mine. Sunny day. We were going to make our dreams come true—even though it’s just our imagination—visiting horses’ stable in order to get some knowledge about horse and to ride it just like the princess. We promised to meet up in our campus at 8 A.M so as soon as we could leave to the stable. Promise was just a promise which was so hard to be done. The two of us were late. Does the princess late in fairy tale? We kept waiting for them on the bridge that really close to our campus. While waiting, we stared at the cars and motorcycles that passed by, hoping that our friends who were still on the way would coming soon. As we had known an information from the horse’s keeper that the horse would be stabled at about 11:30 A.M, our hearts went fast...


What a word that will you say if I mention “Jakarta”? Flood? Traffic? Hot? Probably, those negative words will be mentioned before the positive ones. But, let’s see Jakarta in another side. This city also has many positive things, just like some historical places and buildings, delicious foods, and many more. Not forget to say its tourism destinations, for example Monas, Kota Tua, Ancol, Thousand Island, and so on. In today’s chance, I would like to share about my trip to Thousand Island on 7th of October 2016 with my Writing 5 lecturer and my class mates. Thousand Island consists of many islands. But, some the popular ones which can be claimed are Bidadari Island, Tidung Island, Onrust Island, Kelor Island, and Pramuka Island. There are two islands that was visited and one island which was just passed by. I headed to Jakarta from Bogor by train. In the morning, at 4:30 am, I left to Jakarta. It was dark-cold dawn, but I really excited since it was my first time having trip to...

Definisi dan Contoh Teks Argumentative dalam Bahasa Inggris Posted by Rochima Rahmawati in Writing On March 15, 2015 Definisi Argumentative dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Contohnya – Setiap orang mempunyai hak untuk berargumen. Tetapi, apa sebenarnya yang dimaksud dengan argumen itu? Di dalam bahasa Inggris, argumen dikenal dengan argumentative. Argumentative adalah sebuah paragraf yang menerangkan dan meyakinkan kepada pembaca tentang pro (setuju) dan cons (tidak setuju), yang sering disebut dengan argumentative paragraph. Untuk mengetahui seperti apa argumentative tersebut, maka contoh yang paling mudah dari argumentative adalah pemain badminton, atau pemain tenis meja. Berdasarkan contoh diatas, topik yang akan dibahas harus kontroversial untuk umum dan berita yang aktual yang ada dimasyarakat saat ini. Argumentative memiliki generic structure, yaitu : 1. It has a topic sentence (memiliki kalimat topik) 2. It has supporting sentences for pros and supporting sent...

The influence of the internet Technology development goes along with the development of the world. Currently the technology is growing very rapidly, especially the development internet. Almost all of areas of the world such as industry, business, education, entertainment, etc. use the Internet as media to help their works. Internet has a variety of functions such as communication functions, data exchange, source of media information and much more. One of the functions which used by internet user the most is internet as source of media information. By using internet, they can get information quickly and easily.  Nevertheless, the ease of information that can be obtained from the internet gives a positive and negative impact for users of the Internet itself. Here are the positive and negative impacts posed by the Internet that can be perceived by the consumer. There are so many positive impacts which can be felt by internet users such as: Internet users can get the...

THE DREAM COME TRUE Imagine how if I meet my idol

Fitri Nurul Aulia 0411 14 039 Last Sunday was my beautiful day ever. Until today, I am still cannot believe ti. I think, it is just a dream.             A week ago, I won a quiz from Star Magazine. Whoever won the quiz, would be invited to Harris J’s home. I was the only one who won that quiz. It was out of my logic. But everyone knew it was true.             On Sunday, at 1 PM,   I got prepared myself. I wore my the best dress with a suitable hijab that I had. The dress was my birthday present which was given by my mother. Moreover, it had blue color. My favorite color. I also wore my the best shoes which was fit in to my dress. I wanted to be perfect in front of my idol. At 2 PM, a car came to my home. It a silver BMW. And I knew that the crews of Star Magazine came to pick me up. The crews took me to Star Magazine’s office first. After that, we finally drove ...

[English Poetry] THE DANCING DREAMS AND DEATH by Fitri Nurul Aulia

Mama, you told me to this life to paint dreams, You told me to imagine how it seems And yes, I did what you asked me to But I did not understand why there was blue A lot of monsters suddenly came On the time life forced me to end The crow flied over me Sang the death song Mama, I was still holding my dreams’ draft Even I know, I actually turned to a dwarf I was a piece of paper I was written by blood And sorrow in a wood Mama, I was still holding my dreams’ draft I was ready to build a hope Through out of my life With sweat of fight But the coming of those monsters, I was realized that the dreams had over Mama, maybe life wasn’t good enough for me as a little girl So, God asked me to came back; He prepared me a pearl Mama, maybe this world didn’t allow me to paint my colors So to heaven, for them I will grow

KOLAK PISANG NAIRA oleh Fitri Nurul Aulia

Waktu sudah menunjukkan pukul enam tiga puluh sore ketika aku dan kelima temanku baru saja keluar dari kantor. Artinya, sekitar tiga puluh menit lagi menuju adzan maghrib untuk berbuka puasa. Sambil berjalan cepat, sesekali aku melirik jam tangan hitam yang melingkar di pergelangan tangan kiriku. “Sepertinya kita akan buka di jalan nih.” Kataku pada teman-teman. “Iya juga ya,” kata Raihan, salah satu temanku. Kami berhenti di sebuah taman kota, kemudian kami duduk di sebuah bangku kayu panjang. Aku sapu pandanganku mencari santapan untuk berbuka. Aku menyeringai senang, “Di sana ada bazar ramadhan tuh! Bagaimana kalau aku kesana?” Aku menatap sebuah tenda putih memanjang di seberang jalan. Teman-teman mengiyakan tawaranku. Aku segera melesat menuju bazar ramadhan di seberang jalan sana. Ketika sampai, aku celingak-celinguk, semua makanan sudah habis terjual. Sedikit kecewa. Aku putar pandanganku menatap teman-teman yang sedang menunggu di seberang jalan sana, berharap aku kembali ...


Detak jarum jam yang terus melangkah menggema ke seluruh ruangan bercat putih. Jam sudah menunjukkan pukul sebelas kurang lima belas menit. Seorang Gadis masih sibuk membenahi sebuah toko busana muslimah milik bibinya yang terletak di jalan Istiklal Street , daerah Taksim, Istanbul. Setelah selesai berbenah, Gadis berparas timur tengah itu bergegas meraih mantel berwarna coklatnya, yang tak jauh dari meja kasir tempat yang ia duduki sekarang. Tak lupa, ia juga melingkarkan syal tebal berwarna putih di lehernya yang senada dengan warna hijabnya. Maklum, di luar sana, salju di bulan Desember sedang turun dengan derasnya—hingga kota bak di selimuti dengan mantel putih nan bersih namun beraura kaku. Gadis itu tak akan rela jika tubuhnya diselimuti rasa dingin yang menusuk tulang dan membekukan persendian. Setelah menggembok rapi pintu pagar toko, segera ia melesat meniggalkan toko menuju apartemen yang ditinggalinya bersama paman dan bibinya. Turunnya salju yang disertai hembusan an...