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What a word that will you say if I mention “Jakarta”? Flood? Traffic? Hot? Probably, those negative words will be mentioned before the positive ones. But, let’s see Jakarta in another side.
This city also has many positive things, just like some historical places and buildings, delicious foods, and many more. Not forget to say its tourism destinations, for example Monas, Kota Tua, Ancol, Thousand Island, and so on.
In today’s chance, I would like to share about my trip to Thousand Island on 7th of October 2016 with my Writing 5 lecturer and my class mates.
Thousand Island consists of many islands. But, some the popular ones which can be claimed are Bidadari Island, Tidung Island, Onrust Island, Kelor Island, and Pramuka Island. There are two islands that was visited and one island which was just passed by.
I headed to Jakarta from Bogor by train. In the morning, at 4:30 am, I left to Jakarta. It was dark-cold dawn, but I really excited since it was my first time having trip to Thousand Island, Jakarta. Arriving at Bogor Station about at 5:05 am, some of my friends had already been there waiting for other friends. We get on the train about at 6. It was time enjoying about 1,5 hours journey.
After arrived in Kota Station, Jakarta, immediately we went to Ancol—a gate to reach Thousand Island—by angkot. In Ancol, soon we headed to 17th pier to get on the boat. The first island that would be visited was Bidadari Island. To reach Bidadari Island, it took about 20 minutes.
On the way of my voyage, the views was draw out. The sea landscape was easy to be captured by eyes. Reclamation of Jakarta bay was seen, the fishermen’s boats were floating by catching for fishes, also some ships which belong to firms floated by—I really didn’t know what were exactly they did over there—, also the construction of apartments in the side of the sea were visible. From hundreds miles away from my boat, I could see one or two islands that looked like ants. I did really enjoy the journey.  

Soon, finally the Bidadari Island was exactly in front of my eyes. The island with its large is 60 hectares was attractive. It looks natural without human-touching. It has floating cottages, restaurant with a swimming pool, cotteges that were built on the land. Not forget, Bidadari Island also has a historical building. It is a fortress that was built in the time Indonesia was colonized by Netherland.
I traveled around this island. I found some nice places that were compatible to be a photo spot. And yes, I took a lot of pictures, took some selfies and grofie with my friends—they did the same—which made us, suddenly, be celebrities. I observed the wave, the fishes, the jelly fishes, and other creatures sea. Also I stared at a fisherman who just went back from catching for fishes.
There was an unforgotable thing that I found there. Monitor lizards! Firstly, I thought that I would meet this kind lizard only once. But I was wrong. During my traveling around the island, I meet at least five monitor lizards! I got worry, little bit. But after that I felt okay and went  back to enjoy the place.  
After walking around the island, I had my lunch and took a rest while enjoying the scenery. I didn’t buy food from the restaurant. It costs a lot. I had prepared my own lunch by myself at home. Finished having lunch, I continued my adventure, looked for beautiful spot.
It was about three hours I spent my time in Bidadari Island. After all people ready to get on the boat, friends and I were ready for the next voyage to Onrust Island.


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