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IT WAS A WILD ADVENTURE TO BE A PRINCESS by Fitri Nurul Aulia (041114039)

Maybe you have been dreaming about to be one of the princesses in fairy tales who married to the princes. They are cool when they ride the horses. And, it was Friday, 4th of November 2016. The sun is cooperated with our plan, my friends’ and mine. Sunny day. We were going to make our dreams come true—even though it’s just our imagination—visiting horses’ stable in order to get some knowledge about horse and to ride it just like the princess.
We promised to meet up in our campus at 8 A.M so as soon as we could leave to the stable. Promise was just a promise which was so hard to be done. The two of us were late. Does the princess late in fairy tale? We kept waiting for them on the bridge that really close to our campus. While waiting, we stared at the cars and motorcycles that passed by, hoping that our friends who were still on the way would coming soon.
As we had known an information from the horse’s keeper that the horse would be stabled at about 11:30 A.M, our hearts went fast when we knew the time run so fast. It’s almost 8:30 A.M. And it took about one half hour more to reach the horse’s stable (if we got the traffic).We were totally late!
After a while, we thought that we were gonna really really come late to the stable. Finally, two of us who stated that they were on the way coming. They came in the right time before one minute left our grab car coming. We, eight people, get on the car. Totally full! We were ready leaving to horse’s stable in Ciherang Park Darmaga.
On the way, the driver was fun. He had communicated with us with Indonesian, English, and French. It was incredible! After that, we were not talking much. My friends and I just had small talks after that we silient. Sometime, some of whom asked me again and again about “Fitri, where were we?”. Down to earth I answerd them, explained about the regions that we passed.
After one hour sat down on the car enjoying the scenery in front of us, finally we arrived. We get off the car then realized that we were baked by the sun. But yes, it was what we expected. We stood in front of the iron gate, looking at the green view in front of us. The trees surounded the area of the stable. Moving when the air blew their leafs. The horses, yes they were over there about 50 meters away from us. Suddenly our spirit was burnt. We excited to know more about the horse—and of course to know how to ride it just like the princesses. While walking through the gate, we started to record in order to take the moment—and for assignment.
We walked to get closer to the horses which were had their breakfast. On the little bridge which is under of it there is small river, we stopped recording the horse. I also looked for Mr. Ali, the man who keeps the horses in Ciherang Park. Far away from us, I saw Mr. Ali was sitting in front of the stable. He knew that we had arrived. While my friends were busy to their bussinesses, taking  some pictures and recording a video, I tried to call Mr. Ali in order to ask his permission.
Mr. Ali was a friendly man with a nice smile cover his lips all the time. We greeted Mr. Ali so did he. We conveyed our reason about our coming. Stright, he brought us to see a horse which was still in its stable. There, Mr. Ali introduced us to the horse.

His name was Barong. The only one thing that made me suprised was his age! He is just 7-years-old. But, his body was really big, tall, and firm! Barong would be used for riding. It was the reason why Barong was in the stable. He was prepared by Mr. Ali for us! How nice! Barong its self was a kind of blend horse. It was an LN horse. Barong, when he was a race horse when he was 2-years-old. After he was 5, he turned to be a riding horse.
After explained some of things about the horses— how to treat the horse, how to calm the horse down when it run amuck, how to clean up its feces—Mr. Ali took us a touring to the land where the horses were trained. The sun walked to the middle of the sky. We were burnt by its light. A barbeque, maybe? But, by looking around to the land’s landscape, our mood soon changed. It’s so natural. The air blew our faces, hairs, clothes, and my hijab. I also could see the Mount Salak. And the point plus was I felt like in New Zealand. Yes, all of the beauty just took me so far to New Zealand while I knew that I was in my Indonesia.
My friends and I could not take off our smartphone from our hands. Its purpose was to take some selfies and recording through video. We saw three little pony were eating the fresh-green grass and one LN cream horse. Out of the fence, also there were two horses, the same kinds as Barong. Their colors were black and brown.
Mr. Ali introduced us to the pony horses. One was a mother of the others. Her name is Siti. She was really cute. But when we tried to get closer, she and her children run away. The LN cream horse’s name was Queen. There’s a sad story about her. She was left by her mom when she was 10-days. As the result, she was really sensitive. She tried to catch us several time. I was afraid. Bit afraid. I felt like in a wild land. A real adventure. Everytime Queen looked straight over me, I was ready to run away. Yes, once, she run straight over me and some of my friends, we run to save ourselves. But, Mr. Ali helped a lot. Thank you!
Satisfied with the short-wild-adventure touring, we went back to the stable. Even the horses. They went home to each stable.

To the next session, Mr. Ali would teach us how to ride the horse. While he and his assistant preparing the tools, my friends and I took a rest to protect us from sunburn. We had an argumentation discussing about who wanna be first riding the horse in the middle of the horses’ neighs. 
Finished preparing the tools for ride, we observed Mr. Ali’s explanation how to ride the horse. After all were clear, my friends and I took turn riding the horse. First, I felt reluctant to ride Barong. But, at last, I decided to ride him. It was fun. Was I a princess now? But I have to admit that I was bit worry about the horse. How if Barong suddenly run and I was not expert to calm him down?
That’s was just my feeling. Everything was okay. All of us had fun. Even some of my friends rode Barong for the second even third times in order to take some pictures so that they could show off in social media. Hahaha!
It was about 11:30 A.M, we ended our visiting. We took some group pictures with Mr. Ali, his assistant, and of course Barong. And the question was hovering in our minds, “Did we become princesses at that time?”


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