Maybe you have been dreaming about to be one of the princesses in fairy tales who married to the princes. They are cool when they ride the horses. And, it was Friday, 4th of November 2016. The sun is cooperated with our plan, my friends’ and mine. Sunny day. We were going to make our dreams come true—even though it’s just our imagination—visiting horses’ stable in order to get some knowledge about horse and to ride it just like the princess. We promised to meet up in our campus at 8 A.M so as soon as we could leave to the stable. Promise was just a promise which was so hard to be done. The two of us were late. Does the princess late in fairy tale? We kept waiting for them on the bridge that really close to our campus. While waiting, we stared at the cars and motorcycles that passed by, hoping that our friends who were still on the way would coming soon. As we had known an information from the horse’s keeper that the horse would be stabled at about 11:30 A.M, our hearts went fast...