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A Piece of Memory for the Future by Fitri Nurul Aulia

You must be often listening to a term of home sweet home. Yes, a home is not only an ordinary building for a person, but it has a bunch of good meanings for single one. Even if some people do not realize it. Personally, my home is not just a home that I have been spending my time for the rest of my life. It is more than anything.
My home is located in Bogor, the City of Rain, at Jalan Bukit Asam Ujung 1, Sawah Baru Village. Sawah Baru Village itself is located behind a residence. If you come to my home, the situation of my home will be considered as a modern residence, not a village. The village has a lot of modern buildings. Actually, those cool buildings are belong to new comers from city. My mother says, long time ago, Sawah Baru village has one or so houses only. But now, everything has changed. The new houses increase each year.
I have been spending my free time in courtyard of my home since I was a child. Ofcourse when I have free time. I love to enjoy a gust of wind, green trees and green plants that are caugth by my eyes. The courtyard is wide enough. It has seven long. The whole surface is covered by green grass that is similiar as a carpet from Turkey. Some plants with different colors are planted at around the courtyard. I, myself, do not know the names of some plants.
When my age as my young brother’s, Zaidan (he is 7 years-old now), there were two big rambutan trees which was planted in front of my house. On the one of those trees, my father made a swing that is made from a car’s tire. I used to spend my time on it with my old sister who has married, sitting on the swing. There was also a mango tree in right side of house, close to my bed room now. But now, those trees had fallen.
Also, my house’s courtyard has a pond. There were kinds of fishes, but today, there’s no one at all. The pond is dried all day long and all night long. Just like the swing, that pond also was made by my father. And at the right side of the pond, there is a well which its water is used by my family for bathing, washing, and so on.
My house is same as other houses. It is a simple one. The house which has yellow and white colors, has 20 square meters. There is a terrace which its floor is brown. It is used for some activities, for instance, sitting in the afternoon, having a chat with friends or neighbors, or just gathering with them. In the terrace, there are three red poles. The color of the poles is same just like the floor. In left side of the terrace, there is a garrage which is used for placing a car. My parents’ car for sure.
The house, which is built in 1992, has four bed rooms, a kitchen, three toilets, a living room, a dining room, and a guest room. My favorite room of my house is, ofcourse, my own bed room. It has nine square meters. Its location is faced to the dried pond, facing to the courtyard. I spend almost my times in that beloved room for typing and imaginating stories, listening to my favorite musics, taking a rest, and, for sure, sleeping.
Other bed rooms are occupied by other members family. My parents occupied the room which faces to the garrage. Then, my young brother spots the room which faces to the living room. And the last, my young sister spot the largest room which faces to dining room.
My family often spends times together in the living room which its location is beside the guest room. In the evening, we watch television together, talking about anything, and so on. And the dining room itself is located close to the kitchen.
The atmosphere of my home is calm. It is not crowded, it is also not quiet. I remember, in the past, when I was a little child, there were some empty spaces. I used to play with my friends in the afternoon around at 4 P.M. in those empty spaces. We played hide and seek or game a tag, and so on. But now, the condition has changed. A lot of houses from new comers were built on those empty spaces. Some have been bought by strange people. For example, the empty space that is located in the west of my house (it takes about a minute to reach that place), has been built a house on it. If I pass that house, I will always remember about my childhood with my friends.
Now and the passed time are not forever be the same. I have been growing up. I am an adult now, and so my friends. We have our own bussiness. But, at least, there is something that will forever be remembered in the future by me. Yes, home and its atmosphere. 

NPM : 0411 14 039
Class : B


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